WELCOME to my website for News of upcoming family history books and events.
After many years of writing and researching, my autobiography,
'It's All About Me! & William the Conqueror's Grandfather,' was finally published on 27th September 2022.
This has set me on the road to write a series of books on my Family History.
This website is dedicated to that project.
These books are written in my family name of deGray. To access my other books written as Tricia Frances please click here
Books by Tricia Frances.Did you know that we could be related!!
Whilst researching my family tree and writing my autobiography IT'S ALL ABOUT ME! and William the Conqueror's Grandfather I discovered that centuries back my parents had a common ancestor - then I found another one!
So it's likely that you and I also have a common ancestor!
This has become so intriquing that i decided to write a series of books based on our family, looking at the culture, fashions and homes at the time.
Each book will cover 200 or so years and the series will be called '
It's All About My Ancestors'.You will be able to keep up to date with this project here.
In the meantime if you would like to purchase the books you can do that in the
BOOK SHOP where there are still a few signed copies.
Or you can get a B&W hardback or kindle edition now from
AmazonOr join my the Facebook page
Books by Tricia Frances for news of upcoming Books and extra content not included in the books.
SECRET GARDEN -The Journey to Find a Better YouAfter teaching this Personal Development & Meditation technique to thousands of people over the past 30 years, the book is finally written. It was published in May 2023
Click here for info
FB TriciaFrances.AuthorA signed copy of the book plus free notebook can be found on my main
WEBSITE HEREAlso available on
Amazon as ebook or paperback Exciting!!
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